Here are two oils that are in process--I had the wonderful opportunity to go out on Saturday and paint for 7 hours straight! I left my house while it was still dark and drove to the sleepy town of Healdsburg. The town was ensconced in fog with blurry street lights shining through certain spots. As I drove out Dry Creek Road, the sun started rising. I tried to capture the fog and the light with a quick, small oil sketch:

I spent the rest of the time working on this one. It actually provided to be rather frustrating as the light changed so drastically and the glare on the canvas was pretty intense. It went from being a foggy, cool morning to a glaringly hot (still gorgeous) noon--and I've got the sunburn on the back of my neck to prove it!

I am still working on this one just isn't right yet! I need to take another photo (without a glare) when I am done.
And here it is...done (I think)!